Many would point out that anyone can practice magic, and
I would agree with them. However, there is a point where magic itself
is separated from being practiced by anyone who learns, focuses, and
tries; from magic in the sense that it not just a tool to bring about
changes in life and in reality but to those where magic is considered
sacred and is a part of them. Magic to some is a part of not only their
life, belief, and practice but it simply is within them and makes them
who they are.
I have been practicing magic for many years and although I am still
young, that does not void the effort, study, and practice that I have
had since I first began my journey. A lot of people argue that only
those who are old are experienced, I was taught that one may grow old
yet may have experienced very little, and it is just as possible one can
be young and have experienced more than a lifetime.
In my belief and practice which involves studies from various paths and
traditions which now make up my set system of beliefs and practices,
call it my own path and spirituality of my own design. So let me begin,
before I ramble on about myself.
The most important lesson that I have learned is that while each
individual witch or practitioner may tap into the power that is already
within them to create, raise, and send magical energy; there is only so
much that one can take and use especially at any one given time.
However, there is a infinite energy that can be tapped into that is all
around is which is nature and the elements. Instead of just tapping into
our own power you can learn to channel and use the power of magical
energy from the elements and nature.
Many people speak of the elements in ways that describe acts of
controlling the elements to do there biding. However, instead of trying
to create friction and force something with your will, you can let the
elements help assist you by channeling their energy. Think of it as
moving currents, you can either fight them and work against the current
or you can flow with the current and let it take you where you need to
Nature is full of natural energy, and the elements can be associated
with powerful bodies to assist you in channeling such energy. The sun
for example is a powerful embodiment of fire, and you can tap into that
energy by channeling the suns energy to do your work whether it be
casting a spell or any other type of magical act. The moon is a powerful
source of energy associated with water, as it directly affects the push
and pull of the oceans and seas, rivers and lakes etc. You can also
channel the moons energy for workings with or associated with with
receiving and giving as mentioned with the push pull effect, meaning you
can push unwanted or undesired things away from you as in banishing; or
you can pull something you wish or desire towards you. The earth itself
is below all of our feet and can always be easily channeled. Air, Sky,
or Wind can be channeled as it is the essence of life and it surrounds
us, without air we cannot breathe the breath of life.
Above, is the most powerful practice in magic, and ancient witches,
shamans, druids and so on have long used the elements to assist them by
channeling their energies. In addition to channeling the energy of the
elements and nature there is another practice that can be used and is
also powerful when you want to channel the power of the sun at night,
and channel the power of the moon during the day. You can take a stone,
crystal or any item really and enchant and imbue it with the energies
and power of the sun and the moon. Personally I have chosen either
moonstone or amethyst to embody the energy of the moon, and I have used
either clear quartz, garnet, or ruby to embody the energy of the sun.
What I do is for the moon I take the stone I have chosen and I
consecrate it, bless it, then on the night of a full moon if possible
around Yule as it is the longest night of the year I then enchant it
with my essence by taking a small drop or two of blood which represents
my life, my spirit, and my magic. Then I leave the stone under the light
of the full moon for the entire night. The process for the stone that
embodies the sun is almost the same except for imbuing it with the moons
energy at night on a full moon, I take the stone on the day of the
summer solstice and as said above I consecrate the stone, bless it, then
I enchant it with my essence of a small amount of blood then I leave
the stone under the light of the summer solstice's sun for the entire
day from dawn till dusk. It is also important to note that I usually
make the preparations for this ritual in advance.
With that said, there are some basic concepts about protection that
should be noted in general. Along with channeling the energy of the
elements and nature it is common sense to pay attention. Having high
awareness of yourself and your surroundings alone is particularly a
powerful source of protection. If you take the time to notice what is
around you, even the smallest or timid of details, will allow you to
recognize danger or potentially harmful situations. It helps prevent
harm coming to you and others if you are able to recognize things before
they happen as most of the time when there is harm done, it is so
painful and damaging because it was done without you having for
knowledge that it was going to take place. Even if you become in a
dangerous situation, if you are aware of what is going on you are most
likely going to be able to handle it better, giving you the time,
clarity, and ability to think and find a solution.
Other important aspects of protection magic include that state of ones
psyche and mental capacity. You are less likely to be harmed if you are
confident, strong willed, determined, and focused. Most people who are
vulnerable or victims of psychic attacks are depressed, emotionally
unstable, and have severe low self esteem; and even lack confidence,
hope, and so on. Having positive attitudes, knowing that you are strong,
and are a good and capable person are strong defenses against attack
whether of magical origin or not. Auras also play an important role in
defense against harm, having a strong and vibrant aura is alone a
powerful shield against harm and attack. Some people who study auras can
actually extend their aura, they can resonate it's energy (your
spirit's energy) to reflect back and even repel negativity and harm.
There are many other ways to protect yourself including protection
spells, talismans, amulets, the wearing of stones and gems that have
magical protective qualities etc. However there is at least in my
opinion a problem with protection spells and this is why. Most of the
time harm comes unannounced, by people or beings who bear ill will
against you or are malicious in nature. So when you try casting a
protection spell, their effectiveness is extremely limited because you
don't know what your trying to protect yourself from, at least most of
the time. For a spell to be strengthened it usually tends to be very
specific and detailed, in the case of protection spells, naming or
identifying that which you wish to be protected from. Although casting
protection spells in general, protection from harm, evil, negativity,
ill will etc. are just more layers of added protection, however they
should not be solely relied upon. There are many generic spells for
protection however two of the most commonly used are the Lesser
Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram which banishes evil, dark, or harmful
spirits, entities, or demons away, and creates a protective barrier
around the caster. In most cases the Lesser Banishing works, however,
sometimes in more extreme cases it might be necessary to cast the
Greater Banishing ritual of the Pentagram; which is slightly different
and much more energy is needed but is extremely powerful and effective.
When it comes to stones, talismans, and amulets for magical protection;
I would have to say the most powerful stone for protection is black
tourmaline as it not only casts an impenetrable barrier around the
wearer but it also absorbs negative energies. Other stones such as
tigers eye and hematite and so on also have protective qualities,
however are less powerful. The most protective metals include silver,
iron, and lead. Almost all of my jewelry is primarily silver, all my
rings are silver with different stones embedded in them corresponding to
magical properties that I charge and channel energy from. As far as
talismans and amulets go, there are almost endless possibilities. You
can easily create a protection talisman or amulet with almost anything
but most commonly jewelry. In my case as stated above I am connected to
silver, and one of my most powerful protective devices is a silver
Azrielian Triquetra pendant with a diamond embedded in the center; I had
performed a very powerful ritual of protection in which I imbued my
essence and the power of all the elements into the pendant creating my
most sacred protection talisman. The ritual for such is very similar to
the ritual described above about imbuing stones with the energies of the
moon and sun.
In addition to everything else there is still an abundant amount of
ways to create and harness magical protection. Such as casting circles
of protection, asking spirits for their assistance, invoking or evoking
the aid of a deity or deities, there are also many sigils and symbols
associated towards protection. Some common ones are the Tree of Life,
the Wajet and the Ankh, the Eye of Ra or Horus, the All Seeing Eye, The
Celtic knot, and lets not forget about he pentacle and the pentagram.
There are many more depending on belief and practice. There are also
some other natural magics that can be done for protection such as:
If you cut an apple in half you will notice the seeds of an apple make
up a pentagram, if you take a bay leaf and hold it up against the
pentagram of the sliced apple it will repel evil and negativity.
If you take a bay leaf, A spring of lavender, and a black ribbon around
the two herbs and seal such as tying the ribbon in place it also become
a powerful talisman to repel evil.
You can occasionally or as needed perform house or home blessings and
cleansing to rid away old, bad, negative energies. This can be done in
many ways however a common aspect is to go about your home asking the
spirits or gods for their assistance and using sage or incense to smudge
the home to purify it. Sometimes people also place certain stones or
talismans or other objects around the home usually corresponding to the
four cardinal directions starting east, then south, west, and finally
north. I also forgot to mention already that invoking the four quarters
is also powerful. And of course there is the assistance and aid of one's
spirit guides, animal totems/spirits etc. for the assistance of
protection and so on, and this does not exclude asking or invoking the
help of angelic spirits or angels.
In conclusion, I believe I have given more than enough to protect
themselves or at the very least have paved the way into further
research, study, and practice of protection magic. As I have stated
there are almost endless prohibitions and ways to protect ones self and
others with magic, and without. The most important last thing I can say
is that one needs to be strong, be confident, believe and have faith,
and above all else have hope. So my fellow brothers and sisters of the
craft, I bid you blessings and peace and hope that this information can
help you along your journey as it has helped me.