Be Your Own Herbal Expert
Lesson 4
In your first lessons, you learned how to "listen" to the messages of plant's tastes, how to make effective water-based herbal remedies, and how to distinguish safe nourishing and tonifying herbs from the more dangerous stimulating and sedating herbs.
In this lesson, you will learn how to make herbal tinctures. You will make tinctures from fresh and dried roots as well as from fresh flowers and leaves.
Then you will collect your tinctures into an Herbal Medicine Chest and begin to use them. Shall we begin?
Tinctures Act Fast
Tinctures are alcohol-based plant medicines. Alcohol extracts and concentrates many properties from plants, including their poisons. Alcohol does not extract significant amounts of nutrients, so tinctures are used when we want to stimulate, sedate, or make use of a poison. (Remember that nourishing herbs are best used in water bases such as infusions and vinegars.)
The concentrated nature of tinctures allows them to act quickly. It also makes them perfect for a first-aid kit or herbal medicine chest: a little goes a long way.
I have dozens of tinctures in my cabinet. But these are the ones I carry with me when I travel; they are the ones I don't leave home without. This is my traveling herbal medicine chest.
Echinacea tincture
Motherwort tincture
Skullcap tincture
Ginseng tincture
Dandelion root tincture
Wormwood tincture
St Joan's Wort tincture
Poke root tincture(danger)
Yarrow tincture
Making Dried Root Tinctures
I strongly prefer to make tinctures from fresh plants. But
many people have a hard time getting fresh plants. Most books
therefore ignore fresh plant tinctures and focus on making
tinctures only from dried plants. The only dried plant parts
I use to make tinctures are roots and seeds. All other plant
parts I use fresh when making a tincture. And I actually prefer
to use fresh roots too.
To make a tincture from dried roots:
Buy an ounce of dried Echinacea augustifolia or Panax ginseng
Put the whole ounce in a pint jar.
The dried root should fill the jar about a third full. If
not, use a smaller jar.
Fill the jar to the top with the alcohol. Cap tightly and
Almost any alcohol can be used to make a tincture. My preference is 100 proof vodka. A lower proof, such as 80 proof, does not work nearly as well. Higher proofs, such as 198 proof or Everclear, can damage the liver and kidneys, so I don't use them to make medicine.
The tincture is ready in six weeks, but gets stronger the longer it sits. I like to wait about six months before using my ginseng tincture and a year before using my echinacea tincture.
Making Fresh Root Tinctures
Roots generally hold their properties even when dried. But two of my favorite root tinctures must be made from fresh roots are the dried ones have lost much of their effect.
Making a tincture with a fresh root is similar to
making one with a dried root.
With great respect for the plant, dig up its root.
Gently rinse mud away. (For more about digging dandelion root,
see Healing Wise.)
Chop root into small pieces and fill a jar to the top with
the chopped root.
Fill jar to the top with alcohol. Cap tightly. Label.
Fresh root tinctures are ready to use in six weeks.
Making Fresh Leaf and Flower Tinctures
I use only fresh flowers and leaves in my tinctures. These delicate plant part lose aroma and medicinal qualities when dried.
Tinctures can be made from dried herbs, but I find them inferior in in both effect (how well they work) and energetics (how many fairies are in it), not to mention taste (how many volatile substances remain) and somatics (how something makes you "feel").
What if the plants you need to make all the tinctures in
your medicine chest don't grow where you live or you can't
find them? Try one or more of these solutions.
Take a vacation to a place where the plant you need does grow.
And make sure to go at the best time to gather it.
Find an herbal pen-pal who lives in the area where the plant
you want to tincture grows. Have your pen-pal make a tincture
of the fresh plant for you. You could make a tincture of something
you have lots of to give to her, too.
Even if the plants do grow where you live, it may take a year or longer for you to find them, harvest them and make tinctures. While you are "in limbo," it's fine to buy tinctures to use in your herbal medicine chest.
When you finally find the plants you want, don't be afraid to make several quarts of tincture. Tinctures last for hundreds of years if protected from heat and light.
St. John's wort tincture: Eases muscles spasms,
anti-viral, pain-relieving.
Pick yellow Hypericum perforatum flowers in the summer's heat.
Fill, don't stuff, a jar with the blossoms and leaves.
Fill jar to the top with alcohol. Cap tightly. Label. (It
will turn bright red.)
Your fresh St. Joan's wort tincture is ready to use in six
Motherwort tincture: Eases menstrual cramps, mood
swings, stress.
Pick Leonurus cardiaca flowering tops (leaves and flowers)
in early fall or late summer.
Fill, don't stuff, a jar with coarsely chopped blossoms and
Fill jar to the top with alcohol. Cap tightly. Label.
Your fresh motherwort tincture is ready to use in six weeks.
Skullcap tincture: Pain-relief, headache remedy
Pick Scutellaria lateriflora flowering tops when there are
seeds as well as flowers. Fill, don't stuff, a jar with the
blossoms and leaves. Fill jar to the top with alcohol. Cap
tightly. Label.
Your fresh skullcap tincture is ready to use in six weeks.
Wormwood tincture: Counters food-poisoning and parasites.
Pick Artemisia absinthemum leaves in the late summer or early
fall, when mature.
Fill, don't stuff, a jar, with the coarsely chopped leaves.
Fill jar to the top with alcohol. Cap tightly. Label.
Your fresh wormwood tincture is ready to use in six weeks.
Yarrow tincture: Counters all bacteria internally
and externally, repels insects.
Pick Achillea millefolium flowing tops, white ones only, when
in bloom.
Fill, don't stuff, a jar, with the coarsely chopped herb.
Fill jar to the top with alcohol. Cap tightly. Label.
Your fresh yarrow tincture is ready to use in six weeks.
Double and Triple Tinctures
An herbalist in Austin Texas shared her special way of preparing a tincture that helps her keep her cool in stressful situations. She tinctures fresh lemon balm, gathered before it flowers, for six weeks, in 100 proof vodka. She pours that tincture over a new jar of fresh lemon balm leaves.
After that sits for six more weeks, it's a double tincture. She then pours the double tincture over another new jarful of fresh lemon balm and lets that sit for six weeks.
After which she has a triple tincture. She uses: "A dropperful sublingually works absolute wonders for me when I'm stressed out and ready to scream."
Plant Poisons
You remember that there are four types of poisons in plants: alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils, and resins. The first three are fairly easy to move from plants to a tincture.
Resins, because they "fear" water (hydrophobic) are difficult to tincture. When I want to tincture a resin I do use high proof alcohol. Some examples would be: pine resin tincture, balsam bud tincture, calendula flower tincture.
Taking Tinctures
I see many people put herbal tinctures under their tongues. I prefer to protect my oral tissues from the harsh, possibly cancer-causing, effects of the alcohol.
I dilute my tinctures in a little water or juice or even herbal infusion and drink them.
Using Your Tinctures
Here are a few of the ways I use the tinctures in my herbal medicine chest. For more information on using these tincture, see my books and my website.
Acid indigestion: 5-10 drops of Dandelion
root or Wormwood tincture every ten minutes until relieved.
I use a dose of Dandelion before meals to prevent heartburn.
Bacterial Infections (including boils, carbuncles,
insect bites, snake bite, spider bite, staph): 30-50
drops Echinacea or Yarrow tincture up to 5 times daily. For
severe infections, add one drop of Poke tincture to each dose.
Colds: to prevent them I use Yarrow tincture
5-10 drops daily; to treat them, I rely on Yarrow, but in
larger quantity, say a dropperful every 3-4 hours at the worst
of the cold and tapering off.
Cramps during menstruation: 10 drops Motherwort
every 20 minutes or as needed. Used also as a tonic, 10 drops
daily, for the week before.
Cramps in muscle: 25 drops St John's every
25-30 minutes for as long as needed.
Cramps in gut: 5-10 drops Wormwood, once.
Diarrhea: 3 drops Wormwood hourly for up
to four hours.
Energy lack: 10 drops of Dandelion or Ginseng
tincture in the morning.
Fever: 1 drop Echinacea for every 2 pounds
of body weight; taken every two hours to begin, decreasing
as symptoms remiss. Or a dropperful of Yarrow tincture every
four hours.
Headache: 25 drops St John's plus 3-5 drops
Skullcap every 10-15 minutes for up to two hours. 5 drops
of Skullcap may prevent some headaches.
High blood pressure: 25 drops of Motherwort
or Ginseng tincture 2-4 times a day.
Hot Flashes: 20-30 drops Motherwort as flash
begins and/or 10-20 drops once or twice daily.
Insect: prevent bites from black flies, mosquitoes,
and ticks with a spray of Yarrow tincture; treat bites you
do get with Yarrow tincture to prevent infection.
Nervousness, hysteria, hyper behavior: 15 drops Motherwort
every 15-20 minutes.
Premenstrual distress: 10 drops Motherwort
twice a day for 7-10 days preceding menstruation or 10 drops
daily all month.
Sore throat: Gargle with Yarrow tincture.
Swollen glands: 1 drop Poke root tincture
each 12 hours for 2-5 days.
Viral infections (including colds and the flu):
25 drops of St. John's wort tincture every two hours. Add
one drop of poke root tincture 2-4 times a day for severe
Wounds: I wash with Yarrow tincture, then
wet the dressing with Yarrow tincture, too.
In the next installment of Be Your Own Herbalist, you will learn about herbal oils, inlcuding infused and essential oils. Future lessons will explore the difference between fixing disease and promoting health, applications of the three traditions of healing, and using the six steps of healing to take charge of your own health and make sense of medicine.
Experiment Number One
Choose one plant and make several small tinctures of it using
different types of alcohol. Taste and smell each tincture
every week or so for 6-8 weeks.
Experiment Number Two
Buy or make different tinctures of the same plant: dried herb,
fresh herb, timed with the moon, in different menstrums, made
by different people, harvested in different places. Can you
taste differences? Are the effects different? What else do
you notice?
Experiment Number Three
Make a double or triple tincture of motherwort, skullcap,
or lemon balm. See if it relieves anxiety , hyperactivity,
emotional distress, headaches. I use a dose of 5-30 drops.
Remember skullcap can induce sleepiness.
Number Four
Tincture four plants that are common to your area. Learn at
least three things they can each be used for and if at all
possible, use them.
Further study
1. What is osmosis? Why is 100 proof vodka make stronger tinctures
than 80 proof?
2. What is a menstrum? What other menstrums are used to make
3. Of the four plant poisons, which are present in each of
plants used in the medicine chest?
4. Why don't I consider vinegars tinctures?
5. How is a glyceride different from a tincture?
Advanced work
* Make a tincture from a resinous plant.
* Make a glyceride.
* How is a standardized tincture made?
Reprint Authorization Information- The following 8 articles are provided by Susan S. Weed © 2002 (Link: These articles are designed as lessons for my students in herbal medicine and are not intended for any use other than learning and personal use. To contact Susan S. Weed for reprint authorization contact her at the following email address: