Be Your Own Herbal Expert
The following lessons are articles that are reprinted with permission from the author Susan S. Weed. Her articles cover a decent introduction to herbal medicine. I have found these articles very useful in my studies and in my own work. As an herbalist and a mentor these articles are designed as introductory lessons for my students as well as anyone else who wishes to read and learn from them. For my students Please read each article carefully, I advise you to take notes of your own of the basics, what pops out at you etc. Follow through with any of the study questions and exercises/experiments and mail your answers, and summaries of the exercises and experiments to me at After each lesson and after I review the assigned tasks from each lesson we will have a one on one discussion to further review the lesson, you can ask me questions, and occasionally I will present you with pop quizzes of my own and other such reading assignments/tasks.
After one completes this introductory course on herbal medicine, as a mentor we will proceed into further study, exercises, experiments, and field work. By this time you should have a basic understanding of what herbal medicine is, it core and primary focuses, some background history and lore, as well as the knowledge and skill to make basic herbal remedies. In time I will develop a more integrated course that is more thorough, in the mean time we will take it slow and steady, remembering that patience is essential when working with herbal medicine.
After one completes this introductory course on herbal medicine, as a mentor we will proceed into further study, exercises, experiments, and field work. By this time you should have a basic understanding of what herbal medicine is, it core and primary focuses, some background history and lore, as well as the knowledge and skill to make basic herbal remedies. In time I will develop a more integrated course that is more thorough, in the mean time we will take it slow and steady, remembering that patience is essential when working with herbal medicine.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Reprint Authorization Information- The following 8 articles are provided by Susan S. Weed © 2002 (Link: These articles are designed as lessons for my students in herbal medicine and are not intended for any use other than learning and personal use. To contact Susan S. Weed for reprint authorization contact her at the following email address: