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Getting to know your Herbs - Forum
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Getting to know your Herbs
SerenaWolfDate: Wednesday, 2012-04-11, 4:42 AM | Message # 1
Group: Priestess
Messages: 2
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Status: Offline
Greetings, my name is Serena Wolf and I would like to share with you some of my personal tips and tricks on "Getting to know your Herbs". The way I started and still do, is to obtain as much information about the herb(s) as possiable. Herbs can be your friend and some not so friendly when not used correctly. The best learning aid is through experience but if I can help you avoid becoming seriously ill, all the better.

One of the tricks I use to learn about herbs is when preparing for a spell I will look up and research every herb in the spell first. You never know if you might have an allergic reaction, an Encyclopedia on Herbs is great to have by your side, most will have an antidote if injested, or skin reaction occurs, or it will let you know to get your butt to the hospital!!
For the "Beginners" its fun and new and very exciting brewing teas, making oils, bath rituals and so on.., try not to rush in and have no knowledge of the herbs in use. Using herbs takes time and cant not be learned overnight. If you find becoming Pagan/Wiccan is your path you have plenty of time to learn. A healthy Witch is a good Witch, and lets you do great things.

Its always good to know what the herb you are using looks like (in plant form or dried), the reason for this is because some people buy their herbs online, ebay, shops they are unfamilar with, this can tend to be dangerous because you realy dont know how well the place you are purchasing from truly knows about herbs. Example: I purchased a particular herb that I usualy grow and dry myself but I ran out and needed some, well when I recieved my herb, it was not what I had asked for. Looked more like grass clippings and weeds. Its sad to say but dont trust just any online Herb Shop!! This can be dangerous health wise and for the obvious, create a non working spell and then discouragement.
One method I use is when writing in my Book of Shadows is to actually draw the herb(in plant form) on the same page as your spell, on the bottom, next to the name of herb, wherever you can find room on the page. You dont have to be an artist, but to have a basic idea of what the herb looks like is a great start to getting familar with them.

I will be posting shortly a list of toxic herbs, how to handle, grow, store, pretty much everything you might need to know. Remember toxic herbs have a daily injestion limit, this is key to know when brewing teas..

I hope you find some of my knowledge useful, I am happy to answer any questions and recieve advise as well.

~Serena Wolf~
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