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Forum moderator: Ribbit  
Greek Gods
ShylaDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 9:28 AM | Message # 1
Group: Admin
Messages: 17
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
- Zeus:
He was the ruler and leader of all the Greek Gods. He was the ruler of the sky and ruled and resided on mount Olympus. His equivalent is Jupiter and in the Hindu religion he is known as Indra. Zeus is the son of Cronus and Rhea, is the husband to Hera, and has fathered fifteen children, all of whom were Olympians. The symbols of Zeus were the thunderbolt, eagle, bull and oak.

- Hera:
Hera is the Goddess of child birth and marriage. She is often said to be the Goddess of women and is the wife of Zeus. Her symbols are the scepter, peacock and diadem.

- Aphrodite:
Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and is considered to be the most popular deity in greek culture. She is the Goddess of love, beauty and lust. She is the wife of Hephaestus, and a mother of two, Eros or famously known as the Cupid and Harmonia. Aphrodite is represented by the symbols of scepter, dove and myrtle.

- Apollo:
He was probably the most learned deity of the Greek culture. He was the God of music, medicine, health, fitness, light and truth. He was also the God of archery and bows. He is always associated with the sun and its light and also said to be the most handsome Greek deity. He is a son to Zeus and is the twin of Artemis. He is represented by the symbols of bows, lyre and laurel.

- Artemis:
She is the twin of Apollo and unlike her brother is associated with the moon. She is also the Goddess of hunting, virginity, wild life and dew. Artemis is represented by the bow, dogs and deer.

- Ares:
Ares is considered to be the most violent of all Greek deities. He is the God of war, bloodshed and murder. He is the son of Zeus and lover of Aphrodite.

- Athena:
Athena is the daughter of Zeus and sister to Ares. She is seen by the Greeks as the wisest of all and is the Goddess of wisdom, warfare and reason.

- Demeter:
Often considered to be the deity of the farer, Demeter is the Goddess of fertility, grain, agriculture and harvest. She is a sister of Zeus and the calmest of all deities. She is represented by the symbols of corn, scepter and torch. She is also, many a times considered to be the Goddess of creativity.

- Dionysus:
Dionysus is the God of enjoyment and merriment. He is often represented as a drunk fellow and also governs intoxication of wine, parties, festivals and merry occasions. He is symbolized by grape vine and ivy.

- Hades:
Hades is probably the darkest of all Greek Gods, as he is the ruler and God of the Underworld and wealth. He is represented by the Helm of Darkness and a three-headed dog. He is also the husband to Persephone.

- Hephaestus:
Hephaestus, often known as the lord of forge, is the God of blacksmiths and all metal workers. He is also the God of technology with so renowned skills that he made the arms and armor of Greek heroes like Achillies. His symbols are the axe, flame and hammer.

- Hermes:
Hermes is the God of hives, mischief and travelers. He is a messenger of the Greek Gods and has a humorous knack of playing tricks on people. He is represented by a pair of winged boots.

- Hestia:
Hestia is the sister of Zeus and is the Goddess of homes and hearth. She is the center point of all the homes of Greek civilization.

- Poseidon:
Often known as Neptune, Poseidon is the ruler and God of the sea. He is the one who creates the horses from sea foam and is also the creator of earthquakes. His symbols are sea foam, trident and dolphins.

I am no more then me, and no less then you.
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