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Prophetic Dreams - Forum
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Prophetic Dreams
ShylaDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 8:35 AM | Message # 1
Group: Admin
Messages: 17
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Status: Offline
I would be interested to hear from anyone who has prophetic dreams.
How did you realize you were having them?
Are they different in some way from 'normal' dreams ie in texture or some other way where you can tell it is more then just a dream?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

I am no more then me, and no less then you.
FairyDate: Wednesday, 2012-04-04, 0:57 AM | Message # 2
Group: High Priestess
Messages: 1
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Prophetic dreams

Good question Shyla:)

I will try and explain Propheic dreams very easily for you understand and how you will know when you are having a premintion in your dreams:)

As we approach to go sleep each night we enter three stages:_

:- First stage as we close our eyes is known as the settling down from hour day we have had, meaning we'r not quiet asleep, we'r just drifting off, in this stage we are thinking about what situations we have gone through during our day such conversations / a book we may have read / friends we have spoken too / argument's we may have had with another persons things we should have said and did not say, things we have to remember for the following and so the list goes on until we ware ourselves out and start to fall into what call our second satge of sleep.

:- Second Stage of our sleep we start to have what is called random dreaming / loose dreams, tare NOT premintions dreams 'Propheic dreams', we are dreaming of situations we have had during our day as explained in the first stage dream.

However theses dreams are REAL just as though we are living our day so to speak, i.e, you may have spent anfternoon with friends and lovely time, and so you may dream of being with them again, the dream is so real you see all your friend's again and having the same conversations etc, you may see yourself with a person you had a conversation with who may not have give you a chance to say what you really wanted to say but you see yourself re-living the conversation but time saying all what you wanted to say to this person:)(again theses are not preminitons).

Now comes the best part of your sleep, it call the third stage.

Third stage of sleep is where we stop having random dreaming and heavily into sleep so deep we have let go of day of living, (I could go more indepth on this stage, however I want to keep this as simple as possible), if you have ever heard the expression 'we have gone dead to the world' that's exactly what we have done, we so sound asleep we have let go of the matirial world, this when we start to dream real dreams so real you can see yourself in the dreams 'PREMINITONS' they are called, it could be a warning about people we know or things that are going happen to us either the following day /week or within the month, or we may meet new friends etc the list goes on.

I would always advise you have a pen and pad by your bed side so when you recall your dreams on paper, write down the date / day / time and recaord all details of your dreams, so when your dream / premintion happens you can look in your dairy and see the Preminition you saw in your dreams.

I hope has been helpful to you Shyla, if you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask me.

Blessed be, Fairy
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