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Casting A Circle - Forum
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Forum moderator: Ribbit  
Casting A Circle
bloodyvelDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-15, 5:26 AM | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 4
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Casting a circle is important in spellwork and other various works to keep the energy in that circle until it's ready to be released.
To cast a circle is quite easy, just need some energy manipulation. Witches can use an athame, wand, or even their index and middle fingers. You would usually start from the east. Point whatever it is you're using and visualize energy flowing out onto the ground while turning in a clockwise direction, ending again at east. You have just outlined your circle, but is it complete? For some, yes. For others, no. If you want a more 'concrete' circle, just visualize a bubble sprouting outwards using energy until the circle/bubble is big enough to hold you and whatever you chose to bring with you into this circle. Tip: Do not have anything come into or out of your circle until you are finished. Unless you program your circle to let's say let your cat pass through while your circle is up, as soon as it's threshold is passed, it will be broken. If you are in the middle of a spell, your energy will be released before you were ready for it to be.
Well you just cast your spell or did what you created your circle to do. What now? Now we get rid of the circle. If you decided to make the bubble addition, absorb that energy. Then, starting from the east while moving counter-clockwise, visualize the energy returning to your athame/wand/fingers. Afterwards I suggest you ground that energy. No one wants old used up energy taking space in their bodies now, do they?

And so this is how you cast and uncast, for lack of better term, your circle. Keep in mind that this would be how I personally would cast a circle. Their are many other ways and even you can make up your own way if it works for you. I've cast a circle once with the four elements in their respective points of the compass on my circle's energy outline. So don't settle with this boring technique if it doesn't work for you. This is just the basic way of casting a circle so you have a grasp on 'a' way before you find your way.

Blessed Be

Blessed Be
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